21,60 €
Pure Color värvid on madala ammoniaagisisalduse püsivärvid (0.7%-1.4% olenevalt värvist), mis sisaldab täiendavalt Goji marjade, kirsi-, jaanileiva- ja kreeka pähkli puidu ekstrakte hoolitsedes täiendavalt juuste eest värvimise ajal. Värve on saada 84 tooni ja lisaks supervalgendajad ja intensifikaatorid.
Esmane värvimine: start at the back of the head by applying the mixture obtained, strand by strand, from about 2 cm from the scalp along the entire length of the hair. Let it set for 20 minutes while preparing the other color for the base and apply. Let it set for 30 minutes for a total of 50 minutes. For regrowth: start from the front down to the back of the neck. Setting time is 30 minutes (40/50 minutes for super lighteners). Rinse: emulsify the color well before, without adding water, then add water in small amounts. Rinse thoroughly. Shampoo, rinse and finish with the acidifying after-color treatment. Let it set for a few minutes and then rinse.